→ First Open cpanel file manager
→ unzip project in public_html folder as show below image
→ Copy .env.example to .env file
→ Go to cpanel terminal for run setup commands
→ Go to public_html folder using Command : cd public_html
→ Run 'Composer install' command for install composer packages
→ Go to MySQL@database for create database detail
→ Create a new Database
→ Create a new Database user. Show below Image
→ Attach user creadential to database
→ Select the user that was created
→ Select the databse that was created
→ Set true all permission like show below image
→ After Create database set the credential in your file manager public_html/.env file
→ Run 'php artisan key:generate' command for create key in .env file
→ Run 'php artisan optimize:clear' command for clear caches
→ Run 'npm install' command for install npm packages
→ Run 'npm run build' command for create a build a project
→ Now go to your browser and open your domai and show the main page. Look below image