1) payment Setting - Update setting of the payment
2) Currency Setting - Update setting of the currency.
→ Status : Set status(Enable/Disable) for particular payment gateway
→ Paypal Mode : Set Paypal Mode(production/ sandbox)
→ Paypal Client ID: Set Paypal Payment Integration clientID
→ Stripe Publishable key: Set Stripe Payment Integration publishable key
→ Stripe Secret Key: Set Stripe Payment Integration Secret Key
→ PayStack Public Key: Set PayStack Payment Integration public key
→ PayStack Secret Key: Set PayStack Payment Integration secret key
→ Razorpay Api Key: Set Razorpay Payment Integration api key
→ Razorpay Secret Key: Set Razorpay Payment Integration secret key
→ Base Currency: Set base currency for particular payment gateway
→ Save Change : Onclick Button then Update Particular payment gateway detail
→ Default Currency : Set default currency for bank transfer
→ Allow All Currencies for Ordinary Listing : Set Allow or not allow for currencies ordinary Listing
→ Status: Set status for enable or disable currenct convertor
→ Automatically Update Exchange Rates: Set automatic exchaneg rate
→ Currency Converter API: Set Api credential for currency coverter like fixer , currenecy api etc..
→ Save Change : Onclick Button then Update Particular Form
→ Show : Set Pagination number for Listing
→ Search : Seraching using currenct name or code
→ Exchange Rate: show exchange rate from default currency rating
→ Edit: open edit popup for update currency data
→ delete: Delete currency details
→ Currency Name : Add New currency name
→ Currency Code : Add New currency code
→ Currency Symbol: Add New currency Symbol
→ Currency Format (Thousands Seperator): Select format of currency like '1,234,567.89' or '1.234.567,89'
→ Currency Symbol Format: Select currency symbol format like '$100 (Left)' or '100$ (Right)
→ Add Space Between Money and Currency: select yes/no for show space beetween money and currency
→ Status: select active/inactive status for currency
→ Add Curency: Add new currency
→ Currency Name : Update currency name
→ Currency Code : Update currency code
→ Currency Symbol: Update currency Symbol
→ Currency Format (Thousands Seperator): Select format of currency like '1,234,567.89' or '1.234.567,89'
→ Currency Symbol Format: Select currency symbol format like '$100 (Left)' or '100$ (Right)
→ Add Space Between Money and Currency: select yes/no for show space beetween money and currency
→ Status: select active/inactive status for currency
→ Save changes: Update currency detail